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What is Academic Coaching?

What is Academic Coaching?

Academic Coaching at the University of the District of Columbia is designed to target and work with specific populations of students, namely freshmen cohorts, students on academic probation, and students returning from academic suspension.

At times, Academic Coaching resembles mentoring, but it’s much deeper than that. At other times, Academic Coaching may look a lot like tutoring. Our academic coaches are more than willing to work with students to help them achieve success in the classroom; however, they focus more on the game plan for success and less on the specific content of the course.

How Does Academic Coaching Work?

Academic Coaching may look like counseling as students become comfortable with their coach.

Academic Coaches:
  • Collaborate with students in developing a success plan.
  • Meet weekly or biweekly with students to help them take ownership of their academic success (by phone, Skype, in face-to-face meetings, or email).
  • Assist students with setting goals and weekly objectives.
  • Are well versed in academic strategies for success (such as time management, note-taking techniques, reading strategies, and goal setting) and refer students to resources on and off campus that can aid in students’ success, such as the Counseling Center, the Disability Resource Center, online/virtual tutoring services, the Student Achievement Center, and Tutoring.
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