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Re-Admit Student Admission

Welcome Back, UDC Firebird!

We are excited about your decision to apply for Undergraduate Re-Admission to the University of the District of Columbia!

Readmit applicants are students who were once enrolled in one of the Associate (AA/AS) or Bachelor (BA/BS) degree seeking programs at the University of the District of Columbia or one of its predecessors. 

Students who have not enrolled in class for more than two or more consecutive semesters, withdrew or were academically suspended or dismissed are required to provide an application for re-admission.

Required Steps for General Re-Admission

  • Complete and submit the online application for re-admissionYou are to select the first-time user account creation even if your UDC ID number is known or active.  Use of this online application is appropriate for both the bachelor and associate degree programs.
  • Provide a non-refundable $35 application fee. Failure to provide the application fee or appropriate waiver may delay processing of your application. (Application fee currently waived)
  • Provide an official copy of your HS, GED or evaluated transcript – (the University may no longer have this document on file for readmitting applicants after 1 year of initially enrolling.)
  • Applicants having attended another college or university after leaving the University of the District of Columbia must provide official copies of the transcripts from those institutions.
  • Proof of Residency for tuition discount consideration as either a DC or Metro resident.  Please review the updated residency policy for eligibility and accepted documents for proof.

Tips for Re-Admitting Applicants

  • Prior balances owed to the University are required to be paid in full prior to registering for a new semester at the University. You may contact the Office of Student Accounts at 202-274-5168 for assistance.
  • Applicants who left the University with academic challenges may have a restricted number of credit hours for which they will be eligible to register. You may contact the Office of the Registrar  if you believe that this may apply to you for guidance.
  • Applying for financial aid early is key to having appropriate funding in place to pay for your college course work. Applicants may apply for federal financial aid by visiting The University’s financial aid code is 007015.  Questions regarding financial and the financial aid process can be sought from the Office of Financial Aid.

Start Your Application Now


Lorem ipsum.

Contact the Admission Office

Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Van Ness Campus
4200 Connecticut Avenue NW, Building 39
Washington, DC 20008

Lamond-Riggs Campus
5171 South Dakota Ave NE
Suite 102
Washington, DC 20017

Undergraduate Admissions

First Time in College

Last Names: A – I
Shala Mayo

Last Names: J – R
Francisco Cabrera

Last Names: S – Z
Aaron Becerril-Torres


Omar Harrod

Non-Degree & Second Degree

Diana Atenco-Gonzalez

Community College at Lamond-Riggs

Grace Yepez

Transfer Students

Diana Atenco-Gonzalez

International Students

Michael Sullin

Take The Next Steps, Today!