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IRB Application Process

Where to Start

Once you have determined that your project is human subjects’ research, you need to apply to the IRB for review. The University of the District of Columbia uses an online Institutional Review Board submission system, IRBNET, for all IRB applications.  E-mailed or handwritten protocols will not be reviewed.

The technical writing for the human research study application documents should be clear, organized, descriptive, display sound methodology, and reflect good research practices.

WARNING: Beginning your research without IRB review puts you in conflict with Federal regulations. DO NOT begin your research until you’ve had IRB review and a decision has been rendered.

To submit your proposal to the IRB, you must:

  1. Register on IRBNet and be sure to activate your registration by clicking on the embedded link in the initial email.
  2. Download the application document and complete the document.
  3. Upload the completed document along with any informed consent/assent forms, research protocols, certificate of completion of Human Subjects Protection Training (, and any other applicable documents as specified in the application document.
  4. Share the package electronically with your co-PI or faculty advisor if applicable for their signature.
  5. Sign the package
  6. Submit the package

Your package will be reviewed by the IRB Staff as to its completion and appropriateness. If your application is in order by the submission deadline, then your application will be reviewed by the next meeting date.

Please see Sample Forms for a sample protocol format, consent forms, and continuing review application.

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